Co-Created Readings

My readings, from the very first, were  a curated space for a conversation, a tradition I continue. I would take my well-worn Driud’s deck (a gift from my son for my first Mothers’ Day), the book and park up at a table with a friend, whereby we’d pull three cards, I’d read the meanings from the book then we would fall down a conversational rabbit hole about something the cards brought to the surface.

It is no different now, except I use a different deck and at the end of my apprenticeship, I shelved my book. I trust in knowing the aspect of story to most relevant to each client at each turn of the reading.

Like an unfolding story.

As such I consider the cards doorways into a dialogue about your story. They then act as pivots toward what it is you are seeking (consciously or unconsciously) to understand, create, heal or change.

The new story you want to author.

For this reason I ask a lot of questions. I like to know where each client is at. Where they are coming from. What they believe their dominant story to be, and how that shows up in the life they are currently living. And of course, I want to know the pulse of where you’d like to go in the future.

In this way, I am not someone who taps the vein of future or fortune. Instead I work to help you understand your current story so you can write one entirely of your own design.

The deeper a client is willing to go, the deeper I can then take them.

For that reason, I consider my readings co-created because together–through the stories we share, inspired by the cards–we jointly shape the reading. I hope to spend at least half the time listening to you talk and holding space for your dreams, stories and insights.

I offer all my clients homework at the end of a session. Homework helps to help ground what is often a lot of talking. It is an action plan. It begins the practical process of of healing or change we have uncovered during the session.