The Pause Between Years

What if January wasn’t the start of anything?

What if January was a liminal pause where you got to complete all the things you didn’t quite finish in the year before?

What if January was an opportunity for closure — to reconcile, resolve and let go of all you didn’t quite get to before the silly season was upon you?

What if January was space to consider what’s next and lay strong foundations for what you want with steady, determined vision and intention?

And what if in 2024, it wasn’t just January but a little bit of February as well?

The Pause Between

For almost two decades I have treated the space between the Calendar New Year (an arbitrary date) and Lunar New Year (the second new moon after winter solstice–which is always an Aquarius new moon) as a sacred portal.

I’ve used it to do practical business things and meaningful personal things. It has been both mundane and magickal. It’s often been both simultaneously.

This year, I want to offer the Pause Between Years to you. Especially if you are someone who may already consider themselves “behind” on the 2nd January (either because of what you didn’t complete in 2023 or for what you didn’t manage to initiate yesterday on the 1st!)

The Lunar New Year begins here in Australia on the 10th February (9th in other time zones).

The Pause in 2024 is just shy of 6 weeks.

The Tides Spread

Each year I create a spread to segue one calendar year into another. This year it is The Tides spread and I’ve created a mini workbook to go with it.

Jessa Crispin writes in The Creative Tarot:

“I always think of the Eights as being akin to the tide. Things are going out, things are coming in. The changes are subtle but real. What is important … is how you respond to the changes.”

The Tides Spread
is what I call “a slow spread”, that is, it is intended to be done over several sittings. This year it spans the six weeks of The Pause: three weeks to unpack and release 2023 (a “7” year), and three weeks to inspire, envisage and lay foundations for 2024 (an “8” year).

The spread is free.

Download The Tidal Spread

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The Between Years Sessions

This year is I am offering Between Years Sessions to support the tides spread for anyone who’d like to be in circle to discuss with others what’s come up for them in their solo work.

I’ll be there to offer additional support, perspective and ideas.

Sessions are as follows:

Saturday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th January
Saturday 3rd and 10th February

All at 10am (AEST or +10UCT)

These sessions are $10 and you can book for all six sessions or come and go as you need.

Book your Between Sessions Here

Please note: To participate you will need your own deck of cards (tarot or oracle) and have completed the relevant section of the spread before you come to the call.

Digital Collage: Jodi Cleghorn



A 2024 Cartomancy Gift For You


Welcome to 2024 and an “8” universal year.

One of the signatures the eights energy carries is change.

The eight energy is also an opportunity to deepen into an existing practice or to pick up a new practice with the intention of going deeper.

As a depth worker, it makes 2024 a particularly potent year, for me, for you and for our entire planet.

My gift to you is a free 12-month cartomancy journal and workbook.

I started creating these back in 2017 and I’ve used my journal every month since then.

I returned to the weekly pages back in September 2021 and have shown up for them consistently since then.

This year I’ve named the 130+ page journal after my Winter Work program The Poetry of You.

Download The Poetry of You 2024

The journal is simple and is designed for tarot or oracle cards. It keeps track of monthly intentions, projects and ideals and is both prospective and reflective.

If you’d like to give it a whirl, please download and print off the pages for January.

It is one of my anchors in life, and nothing would bring me more joy, than it becoming an anchor in your life too.

Join the list for The Poetry of You (Mar-Sept depth container). The container is for 10 women and one place is already taken. Add you name here.