Happy Day of the Horizon


Happy Day of the Horizon — my latest nerd iteration of the plethora of new year variants.

Over the weekend, I commented to a friend who I met through astrological circles, that I was fascinated by the fact that I was literally running a week behind with everything. Deadlines I had set for the previous weekend, were finalising this weekend. I spent most of the week feeling disheartened, running a failure narrative, at my inability to finish everything I wanted to complete before the equinox.

You know, if I’d just tried harder. Been more focused.

If the energy of the equinox portal had fucked me up so completely.

And dozens of other opportunistic bullshit.

A few minutes later, my friend messaged to say the transiting sun wouldn’t hit my first house for a few days… and boom! I checked in with my chart and saw that the sun would cross the threshold of my first house on Tuesday (yes, exactly a week after equinox!)

I wasn’t running behind schedule at all.

I was powering along in perfect alignment with my own intrinsic energy, cycles and timing. Yet again I’d worked hard to undo myself with an arbitrary date (one of the fixations and self sabotaging behaviours I’ve ben unpicking since January).

And Breathe

The most remarkable thing happened next — the shifting of my timeline suddenly freed up all the stuck, shitty energy I’d been caught in. I mean, we never completely wipe clean the slate, but I was clear about the energetic ties I wanted to cut moving into this new year. And gifted a moment of insight, I received a powerful reframe (and you know, an extra 36 hours grace!)

I could breathe. I could move. My world suddenly bloomed with possibilities.

I relaxed into the final moments of finishing a two year ghost editing project with Leah.

I turned up with excitement for the final few poems of a poetry project with Christina (not un-ironically called “Thresholds”)… and just generally enjoyed the feeling of what I wanted: a new year that felt like it had a clean slate.

Happy New Year

Just before 5am today, the sun kissed my horizon and my new year begun.

I don’t think it’s a “thing” (not like solar return charts are) but I cast a chart to see what the moment of “emergence” offers for the coming year, and there is plenty there to excite me professionally and creatively.

Especially in a year where my debut solo novel comes out.

My client books are shut this week. I’m not doing the Poetry Primer.

I’m giving all of me, to me.

I also postponed the beginning of The Poetry of You to open the necessary space to download the shape and nuance of it (which I knew had been patiently lingering in the wings waiting for everything else to finish).

The Coming Week, Prelude to the Underworld

Over the next few days I will share more specific details of what The Poetry of You will have in terms of shape, concept, context and content as it comes through.

I downloaded several exciting pieces swimming this morning.

What I can say at this point, there will be strong elements of Underworld mythology via Inanna (who, if you’ve read Postmarked Pipers’ Reach, you’ll know Ella-Louise was obsessed her), Persephone (who is on the wall of the room I get network chiropractic) and Psyche (who is my current obsession — what’s not to love about a woman who takes the back door into the underworld with cake to fed the hell hound!).

These stories are symbolically rich.

Ripe for retellings that strip away the patriarchal bullshit (where women only excel at beauty — or running away, only to be turned into trees).

These stories are also gentle and empowering structures to write our stories within. I’m excited to use them as spaces reorientation for (re)discovering our selves past-present-future.

If this sounds like something you’re in for now … sign up here.

Or join me here this week, as it unfolds for both of us in real(ish) time.

My Favourite Superpower

Opening doors for people and helping them step across the threshold is my favourite superpower as a depth worker.

In the process of doing this with myself right now, as I kiss the horizon and face al the fears, as I prepare to descend, I’m readying myself to be the best companion for you on your journey into the depths.


PS: *deep breath* I am experimenting with writing more and holding less tightly to it … freeing my time from the constraints of perfectionism (which is the antithesis of what being a writer is often — but perhaps more attuned with the energy of a word witch?) Closer to “clean skin” wines … this is a one-and-done and beautifully imperfect. All grammatical and spelling errors are on me and this crazy first-pass effort.

PINP23 Collection Available for Download


With great delight, we send random | eloquence, the Post-It Note Poetry Collection for 2023, out into the world.

Download the PINP23 Collection here


This year, I’m letting Christina have the final word (as I am currently all out of words!)

Thank you so much to all who joined in PINP, whether online or offline and to those who contributed their poems to this year’s collection!

I know for Jodi and myself this year really cemented the importance of daily creativity for us, and especially the way in which poetry holds us through a lot of the daily ups and downs.

Our theme this year was random | eloquence.

In his book Consolations, David Whyte says:

“Beauty is the harvest of presence… beauty is the conversation between what we think is happening outside in the world and what is just about to occur far inside us”.

Taking what randomly lands in front of us and curiously putting words around it is the beauty of poetry. It was so wonderful to see everyone do this in their own way over February.

This year’s collection showcases 13 poets across 79 pages.

We look forward to returning in 2024 for another month of poetry in February.

Download the PINP23 Collection here 

(Collection is best viewed in 2-page mode in programs like Preview)

The Kitchen Table Sessions

Yesterday was a day where wisdom hit from a multitude of directions. As I got out of bed, two friend messaged for help and as that settled, I received the business guidance I’d called in more than a week ago. (Forget that you have any true control of the timing of things!)

It was a tempestuous first 90 minutes as the past and future called. (I don’t do caffeine — so mornings are their own special kind of crazy for me!)

It was hard to stay anchored in the present, but I’m always delighted and awed at how guidance and support arrives.

What sparks an epiphany. How I get a powerful reframe. What arrives to give me a tiny boost of confidence to take the next step.

Especially since so much of this is brand new for me.

✨ Knowing clearly what I desire and holding myself accountable to move toward it.

✨ Building a business congruent with my values and my multi-passionate nature.

✨ Turning to face the sun and breathing into a bigger space (that often feels uncomfortable).

✨ Listening closely when I receive guidance. Leaning into my support systems when I wobble (especially if and when it feels like I’m losing my bearings).

After a whirlwind start to the day, I got to step out of the mental melee and spend a few slow nourishing hours with one of my favourite humans. Over a delicious home-cooked lunch we talked about the spaces we are dreaming into being for our work. We ended up in a conversation about our mutual love of kitchen tables.

Later, sitting in the library while my son was at work, when the trainer wheels of my authentic direction wobbled, Christina peppered me with questions to bring me back to centre .. and here I am to invite you to my kitchen table.

The Kitchen Table Sessions

My desire for my Winter Year (starting on the equinox) is for six slow, deep  months of personal and creative work, and for that to be reflected in my client work. I want to work with a small group over an extended period.

I also want as many people as possible to experience my unique blend of tarot, intuitive downloads, story telling and coaching before I ask anyone to consider working me across 6 months.

From Saturday 18th – Sunday 26th (over the Equinox portal) I’m offering the Kitchen Table Sessions.

The A$23 pass will get you access to seven (7) Zoom calls.


Each call I’ll pull a card for everyone present, then I’ll ask some questions and give everyone space to talk to their experience. I’ll offer intuitive guidance and a practical way to action what we’ve unveiled together.

It’s Depth Work meets Pass-The-Parcel: Every call we’ll each be unfolded a little.

You’ll get to spend time with me, my “method” and gauge whether it is something you’d like more of. Plus, you’ll have a chance to move through the energetic passing and opening with access to support and guidance.

The pass allows you to attend as many sessions as you want. (And yes, I have one scheduled for Equinox).

And because I am a firm believer in word-of-mouth, when you purchase an Equinox Pass you can bring a friend (or many friends if you attend multiple sessions!)Each session is ~90 mins (depending on the number of people on the call)

GET Your Kitchen Sessions Pass (click and select your sessions)

Decompress the End of the Astrological Year

Saturday 18th 8am (hour of Mars)
Sunday 19th 3pm (hour of Mercury)
Monday 20th 11am (hour of Venus)

Welcome the New Astrological Energy

Tuesday 21st 12pm (hour of Jupiter)
Thursday 23rd 7pm (hour of Saturn)
Saturday 25th 9am (hour of the Sun)
Sunday 26th 4pm (hour of the Moon)

I’m excited-terrified to take my depth work into this expanded space.

I love the group energetic experience with my Network Chiropractor and my heart belongs to collective sharing/learning and circle work. So I guess it’s time.

The Kitchen Table Sessions will be empowered stepping stones across the Equinox Portal and into the slow, depths of The Poetry of You (if you choose to continue on) which begins Tuesday 28th of March.

Get Your Kitchen Sessions Pass — one-stop via Acuity

Where This All Leads…

On the weekend I sent emails about my slow, deep work for the Winter The Poetry of You. 

The journey below the surface looks different for everyone one. There’s no prescriptive “how to” and that’s what makes it both exhilarating and trepidatious. With a flexible structure and myself as SCUBA buddy, wise woman and fellow traveller, we dare to go deep together.

Learn more.