Meaning Making and The Wheel of Fortune Sequence


Meaning making is an undervalued and under-utilised activity.

Meaning making requires us to pause. Meaning making thrives in slowness.

Meaning making uses vertical rather than horizontal time. It’s about depth rather than breadth.

It requires us to consider our relationship with ourselves and the world beyond.

It requires us to consider our relationship with the past, present and future.

It asks us to speak in metaphor and consider the power of words and stories to shape reality.

Meaning making values feelings and intuition, as much as it values thoughts and logic.

It allows us to be messy and imperfect and lost. Meaning making expects this. It’s not the dark night of the soul but the dark forest of understanding.

It asks us to be curious and compassionate, and employ resources that offer perspective.

Meaning making is a master class in impermanence

It doesn’t ask us to be bigger or better or further along. It doesn’t promise radical transformation.

It knows personal alchemy is a byproduct of questioning and getting intimate with the unexpected. Of returning with new insights and questions. Following old stories and rewriting them. Experimenting with metaphors for living.

Meaning making honours the messy, cyclic and seasonal nature of our lives. It’s recursive nature situates it as capitalism’s anti-hero.

It isn’t interesting in linear desires or goals.

Instead it welcomes us back into our tender points, letting us know there is nothing more human than this. We are not a problem.

It has no interest in the measurable or quantifiable. It loves breadcrumbs and puzzle piece and doesn’t want trumpet-worthy epiphanies.

Meaning making gives us an opportunity to consider the familiar and unfamiliar. It embraces uncertainty (because you’ll never know what you’ll find) but there’s certainty in knowing you’ll find something. And with each new insight a different bevy of questions emerges.

The Wheel of Fortune is built on meaning making. The seasonal focus adds nuance, alignment and congruence.

Learn more about The Wheel of Fortune sequence here and begin your meaning-making journey.

Book your Winter/Summer Session