An Underworld Reclamation

April 13th – September 21st (2024)

In the Underworld, in the unlit parts of ourselves, blazes a constellation of selves waiting to be reclaimed.

✨ Some are the stars jettisoned as we transitioned through adolescence and into adulthood.

✨ There are the stars we forewent as young individuals to fit in.

✨ Others are stars sacrificed for financial stability.

✨ There are stars dimmed or sent away as we entered committed relationships.

✨ There’s incongruent stars lost in the relentless drudgery of long-term responsibilities.

✨ And the stars we hid to protect them.

In the Underworld are bright, incredible sparks of ourselves we promised we’d find again, but we never quite did. The older we get, the greater imperative to reclaim these stars, for they light the way forward.

But first you must remember them, so you can seek them out.

In 2024 the stars of your Underworld will finally shine in wild open skies.


UNSEEN is a 26-week group depth-work container that straddles the Southern Hemisphere Winter solstice. It is a combination of 1:1 depth work, group work and sharing spaces.

A journey into the Underworld looks different for everyone one.

There’s no prescriptive “how to” and that’s what makes it both exhilarating and trepidatious.

With a flexible structure and Jodi as your guide, wise woman and fellow traveller, we dare to go deep together.


Unseen is re-wilding work, not re-parenting work.

This is not intended as a space for inner child work.

While Jodi is a trauma-informed practioner, she is not trained in trauma work. If you suspect you may need extra assistance during this time, please seek a wider circle of support with a psychologist/therapist or other suitably trained professionals.

Our Travelling Companions

The Divine

Three goddess guide our time into, through and out of, the Underworld.

Inanna (the descent)

She guides us to shed the stories that have trapped us and the promises we made that over time have become the shackles of involuntary compromise.

Persephone (the exploration)

She guides us into a new sovereignty, remembering the selves lost, and reclaiming what shone at their core.

Psyche (the ascent)

She guides us into vulnerable action, remaking the world on our own terms, emboldened by the reclaimed selves to step forward as our most visible, brilliant selves.

The Human

The Group

The group is capped at 11.

Your Guide

With a strongly placed Pluto in her chart, Jodi has transitioned this energy from Daughter of the Phoenix into Queen of the Underworld.

Travelling with Jodi you benefit from:

✨ her perspective (mundane and magickal) as word witch, wayshower and depth worker.
✨ a unique synthesis of tarot, storytelling, intuitive downloads and coaching
✨ a vast and diverse toolbox of practical skills and processes
✨ her devotion and respect of the deep
✨ and her love of, and commitment to, collaborative exploration and blooming

…anyone who dives into 26 weeks with you is not going to come out the same. And that’s not because you hyped them up but because you sunk into the abyss with them having remembered your torch from last time you were there.

~ Christina Hira (@wild.dark.mag

What Unseen Consists Of

✨ a 90 minute 1:1 session
✨ 1 group call
✨ 1 sharing circle
✨ weekly voice check-ins via Signal app

Plus a variety of processes aligned with the work and a smattering of art & craft this year.

Your Investment

Unseen is offered under a equity pricing framework* on a monthly payment plan.

Full price for each tier across six months — Business Sustainability (A$1350), Heart Centered (A$900), Vulnerable Edge (A$450).

* I do not offer early-bird pricing as it disadvantages those without ready access to savings or disposable income to cover the outlay.

What Is Depth Work

Depth work is:

Slow inner work — transformation defined by gentle, meandering self inquiry and robust external support and guidance.

A goal free zone — while we work regularly with intention and specific focus points, we do not set goals and there is no specific quantifiable outcome for this work.

Recursive — returning multiple times to the same idea or touchstone/wound/challenge/issue for new insights.

Values work — an intimate exploration of what is important, what you want to prioritise, what your life pillars are and how you construct/define your internal guidance system.